Main Factors To Consider When Buying A Hoist Overhead Crane

Buying a hoist overhead crane requires careful research and a close comparison of multiple offers from different suppliers. In order to make the best choice possible, you need to know what are the factors to take into consideration when buying this type of equipment. This article aims to shed some light into this issue, so keep reading to find out what to look for in a hoist overhead crane for sale.

Single Girder Hoist Overhead Crane For Sale
Single Girder Hoist Overhead Crane

Fist of all, you need to decide whether to buy a single girder or a double girder crane. The layout of your workshop of production facility and your specific projects will probably influence your decision.

Most overhead cranes feature variable lifting speed. This could prove to be very useful in lots of situations, so make sure you take this factor into consideration when you shop around for equipment.

It comes without saying that the maximum lifting load is one of the first things to think about when making your purchase. This is easy to estimate if you check the maximum weight of the parts or items you want to lift and hoist. Always make sure you leave some room for heavier items, should you need that at some point in the future. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so don’t make the mistake of buying equipment you’ll overgrow too quickly.

Double Girder Electric Hoist Overhead Crane Price
Double Girder Electric Hoist Overhead Crane

The lifting mechanism is another factor to take into account when buying a hoist overhead crane. An electric hoist would probably be the best, but it’s not bad to check other option as well.

The control method is also important. If you want your workers to be safe and secure, you’ll probably need to choose a wireless remote control operated crane. This will eliminate the need for the operator to stand within the range of action of the crane. Also, this solution provides better visibility, as the operator can choose a positioning where there are no blind angles of view.

Quality certifications are essential, so don’t forget to check them out with the greatest possible care. Ideally, you should ask your local authorities for advice, and then proceed in accordance with your local rules and regulations. Work safety is of utmost importance, so you should never underestimate quality certifications. Speaking of safety, you may want to check whether the manufacturer can provide technical support, either online or though on-site teams. Also, operator training could be nice to have.

Since this type of equipment isn’t cheap, it makes sense for you to ask for at least three different quotes. Take your time, search for the most reliable companies willing to sell you this product, and then compare their quotes with care. When doing this, remember to check out the estimated delivery dates. If you are in a hurry, you may not want to wait for too long to get your crane up and running. On the other hand, if time isn’t an issue, you may want to go for a lower price but agree to a delayed shipping deadline. For more info, visit